Feature(may vary by option.)

●Pin and code compatible with the AZ-MEGA2560 board
●✅AZ-MEGA2560 board chipset with 16MHz clock frequency, 256KB flash memory (including 8KB for bootloader), 8KB SRAM and 4KB EEPROM memory; easy PC connection via CH340G USB converter.
●This product contains an e-book that contains useful information about the beginning of your project, it helps with a quick setup and saves time in the configuration process. We offer a range of application examples, full installation instructions and libraries.





By purchasing the AZ-Delivery AZ-MEGA2560 board, you save money but get the concentrated performance of the original. Thanks to the same pin layout and AZ-MEGA2560 board chipset, they do not need to make code adjustments and can access the complete shield assortment that is also compatible with the Mega.

The AZ-MEGA2560 board can be operated directly on the PC or optionally via an external voltage source with 5.5 x 2.1 mm plug (min. 6 V, max. 20V; 7-12V are recommended).

A CH340G converter handles communication via USB with the PC. Even extensive sketches with up to 248 KB of memory can be uploaded (8 KB of the 256 KB flash memory is occupied by the bootloader). Furthermore, the 16 MHz powerful Atmega2560 has 8 KB SRAM and 4 KB EEPROM memory. There are 54 digital I/O pins, including 15 with 8-bit PWM as well as 6 external interrupt pins and 16 analogue inputs with 10 bit resolution. The data transfer adopts two hardware serial connections, SPI and I²C.