Feature(may vary by option.)

●Polished heads
●Robust design
●Very suitable for passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and large saloons

[75 cm 27 x 30 x 32mm x 3  & 4  Außenvierkant Single]

[40 cm 17 x 19 x 21 mm x 1  & 2 inch external square Bundle with universal rubber pad]

[63 cm 24 x 27 x 32 mm x 3  & 4 inch external square Single]

[75 cm 24 x 27 x 32 mm x 3  & 4 inch external square Single]

[40 cm 17 x 19 x 21 mm x 1  & 2 inch external square Single]

[40 cm 17 x 19 x 22mm x 13  & 16  Außenvierkant Single]
