
●High-quality PVC tarpaulin: Our transparent tarpaulins are made of strong and durable PVC. Each tarpaulin is tested for tear resistance to ensure the durability of the tarpaulin. Water resistance: 100%. Thickness: approx. 0.35mm Weight: 420 g/m². Light Transmission: 100% Due to the special nature of the PVC material, the size of the tarpaulin changes with the temperature. When the temperature drops, the size of the waterproof tarpaulin shortens a little and becomes harder.
●Adjustable: We offer a wide range of waterproof tarpaulin sizes that cover most of your needs. Clear tarpaulins up to 10 x 10 m can be made to measure. If you need a size that is not included, please contact us in time via Amazon.Due to the peculiarities of the PVC material, it is normal that the tarpaulin you receive has an error of plus or minus 5 cm.
●Aluminium eyelets: the eyelets of our clear tarpaulin are made of aluminium, which is more durable and less susceptible to corrosion than the copper eyelets available on the market. The eyelets are located at a distance of about 50 cm (20 inches) at the edges and on all 4 corners. You can quickly and easily attach and secure the tarp with the included straps and cords. The strong, rust-proof eyelets ensure durability and secure attachment.
●Reinforced edge: Our clear tarpaulins have a reinforced edge, the others have one or two sealed edges, and we have provided the edges with white mesh strips, which greatly improves the tear resistance of the tarpaulin edges. This is the result of our comprehensive market research to meet the needs of our customers. This further strengthens the edges of the tarpaulin and is worth your trust.
●Application scenario: Ezcasch transparent tarpaulin can be used for outdoor waterproof covers, pet kennels, garden furniture, balcony tarpaulins, awnings, factory insulation, gazebos, swimming pools, farms, camping, shelters or other items that need waterproof protection.

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