
●❗Please buy from "AMXFS Flagship Store"✔ Installation Tips: The protective cover must be mounted at an angle to avoid water accumulation. Place a skeleton (rope or stick) in the middle as much as possible to distribute the weight and extend the service life.
●✔ Material: The protective tarpaulin is made of 0.35 mm thick PVC, and the edges are with nylon cords, stronger and more durable, which can withstand the suction of heavy rain and strong winds.
●✔ Eyelet design: unlike other tarpaulins, 4 sides of our highly transparent film has a larger hole density, one per 50 cm, and we have reinforced the eyelet, which are more convenient to install and have a stronger load capacity.
●✔ Applicable scene: dust tarpaulin is suitable for almost any indoor and outdoor use. Including balconies, roofs, gazebos, carports, boats, caravans, stakes, garden furniture, swimming pools, building materials, animal houses, barns, etc.
●✔ Customized: If you need other sizes, please let us know by email. The size may vary by 1-3% from the product you receive.

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