
●Outdoor curtains: FoundGo tailor-made transparent PVC curtains, the top and bottom are made of scratch-resistant material, the custom size usually has an error of plus or minus 10 cm.
●Perfect for weather protection: the transparent tarpaulin panel can withstand strong winds, snow and rain well. Works well to resist sun and cold, no cracking even in cold weather. Keep away from bad weather and enjoy a comfortable outdoor activity.
●Tear-resistant materials: the knife cloth can effectively prevent tearing and damage and ensure robustness. It has good light transmission and strong heat insulation. No more worrying about damaging your furniture and other outdoor items.
●Eyelets on all sides: with eyelets every 20 cm on the top and bottom, the other two sides an eyelet in the coloured part. Our clear curtains are ready to be installed immediately and fit your porch perfectly.
●Multiple use: the clear PVC curtains for outdoor use bring a great experience to let light through, especially in the winter months. Suitable for awnings, shops, attics, houses, balconies, plant sheds, carports, both indoors and outdoors.

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