Feature(may vary by option.)

●Premium quality: our set of 4 muslin cloths is of high quality material and workmanship. The material used is made from 100% organic crepe cotton and is therefore particularly comfortable on babys skin. Thanks to the double weave and crepe, the muslin cloths are particularly stable and absorbent. They have the optimal size of 64 cm x 64 cm.
●☀️DESIGN: We have used the stylish crepe cotton for these muslin cloths. It is particularly breathable and absorbent. In the pram, the cloths fit into any high-quality baby basic equipment. The design is elegantly completed by our brand label made of dense cotton.
●Versatile: these muslin cloths are a must-have in any babys basic equipment, as they are particularly versatile. They can be used as swaddling cloths for peaceful sleep. It can also be used as a burp cloth, as a thinner baby blanket, to cover the pram or as a base for changing or kicking.
●☀️Especially absorbent: our molleton cloths offer significantly better absorbency than conventional muslin cloths thanks to the double weave and the creped surface. This makes them particularly practical and helpful in babys everyday life.

[Taupe Grey |  Cream]

[Dusky Pink |  Cream]

[Mint |  Cream]

[Peach Cream]


... für dein Baby nur das Beste!

Baby DeckeBaby Decke

Wenn Babys Liebe geschenkt wird, dann ist es eins der größten Glücksmomente - wie wir finden.

Es erfüllt uns mit purer Freude mitzuerleben, wie Eltern ihre bedingungslose Liebe an ihr einzigartiges „Wunder der Natur“ weitergeben. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es uns zur Herzensaufgabe gemacht, Eltern so weit wie uns nur möglich dabei zu unterstützen. Unser Beitrag dazu sind die kuscheligsten und biologisch besten Materialien, die wir finden können in modernem Design.

Nachhaltig, oekologisch und schön!

Geschenkset Musselin DIKOS Mulltücher 4er SetGeschenkset Musselin DIKOS Mulltücher 4er Set

Eine schöne Geschenkidee!

Die DIKOS Produkte sind ein ideales Geschenk zur Geburt, zur Taufe, zum Fotoshooting oder zur Babyparty. Liebevoll und nachhaltig verpackt. Die edle hochwertige Box mit Schleife macht das Gastgeschenk zu einem echten Hingucker.

Erfahre mehr über deine DIKOS Produkte:

Pucktuch bio-baumwolle großPucktuch bio-baumwolle groß

GOTS ZertifiziertGOTS Zertifiziert

großes Musselintuch altrosagroßes Musselintuch altrosa

Oeko tex 100Oeko tex 100

... mit GUTEM Gefühl!

Von der Idee bis zum fertigen Produkt denken wir immer an das Wohlbefinden deines Babys.

Unsere Produkte sind aus 100 % BIO-Baumwolle, sie sind sanft zur Haut, kuschelig und atmungsaktiv, so dass sich dein Baby damit immer pudelwohl fühlen wird.

... GOTS zertifiziert!

Wir als Unternehmen als auch die Materialien, die wir verwenden sind GOTS zertifiziert - nach den Richtlinien des höchsten globalen organischen Textil-Standard für BIO-Textilien.

Sie sind komplett OHNE bedenkliche Inhaltsstoffe, die deinem kleinen Schatz schaden könnten.

... mit viel LIEBE zum Detail!

Jedes unserer Produkte wird nachhaltig und mit viel Liebe entworfen.

Unser Anspruch ist höchste BIO-Qualität und tolles Design zu vereinen um dich mit deinem Baby im Alltag bestmöglichst zu unterstützen.

... garantiert SCHADSTOFFFREI!

OEKO-TEX Standart 100 steht für Vertrauen und hohe Produktsicherheit.

Bei uns bekommst du Produkte ohne gefährliche Schadstoffe die der zarten Haut deines Babys schaden könnten. Sie wurden auf gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit geprüft.

Nachhaltig handeln für die nächste Generation!

DIKOS Musselin TuchDIKOS Musselin Tuch
4er SET Musselin  Regenbogen Musselin Mulltuch mint klein Spucktuch DIKOS DIKOS Musselintücher 120*120 cm Pucktücher 6 lagige Musselindecke Mulltuchdecke
DIKOS Musselintücher im 4er-Set DIKOS Musselintuch DIKOS Musselintücher im 3er-Set DIKOS Musselintücher im 2er-Set DIKOS Musselindecke
Customer Reviews
4.9 out of 5 stars
4.9 out of 5 stars
4.8 out of 5 stars
4.8 out of 5 stars
4.7 out of 5 stars
Price USD 32.36 USD 26.96 USD 35.59
Qualität 100 % BIO - Baumwolle 100 % BIO - Baumwolle 100 % BIO - Baumwolle 100 % BIO - Baumwolle 100 % BIO - Baumwolle
Größe 64*64 cm 120*120 cm 64*64 cm 120*120 cm 80*100 cm
Sustainability features

Sustainability features

This product has sustainability features recognised by trusted certifications.

Farming practices

Made with materials harvested from responsibly managed farms.

As certified by
Global Organic Textile Standard Global Organic Textile Standard

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a global certification with strict standards for the processing of clothing and home materials made with organic fibre. Only textile products that contain a minimum of 70% organic fibres can become GOTS certified. These fibres are made with no GMOs, no highly hazardous chemicals and no child labour. Producers must also have a strong system to protect the health, safety and rights of their employees and have strict wastewater treatment practices.

Learn more about this certification

Certification number


Certification Level

Worker well-being

Manufactured on farms or in facilities that protect the rights and/or health of workers.

As certified by
Global Organic Textile Standard Global Organic Textile Standard

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a global certification with strict standards for the processing of clothing and home materials made with organic fibre. Only textile products that contain a minimum of 70% organic fibres can become GOTS certified. These fibres are made with no GMOs, no highly hazardous chemicals and no child labour. Producers must also have a strong system to protect the health, safety and rights of their employees and have strict wastewater treatment practices.

Learn more about this certification

Certification number


Certification Level

Safer chemicals

Made with chemicals safer for human health and the environment.

As certified by
Global Organic Textile Standard Global Organic Textile Standard

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a global certification with strict standards for the processing of clothing and home materials made with organic fibre. Only textile products that contain a minimum of 70% organic fibres can become GOTS certified. These fibres are made with no GMOs, no highly hazardous chemicals and no child labour. Producers must also have a strong system to protect the health, safety and rights of their employees and have strict wastewater treatment practices.

Learn more about this certification

Certification number


Certification Level

Organic content

Product contains at least 70% organic material.

As certified by
Global Organic Textile Standard Global Organic Textile Standard

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a global certification with strict standards for the processing of clothing and home materials made with organic fibre. Only textile products that contain a minimum of 70% organic fibres can become GOTS certified. These fibres are made with no GMOs, no highly hazardous chemicals and no child labour. Producers must also have a strong system to protect the health, safety and rights of their employees and have strict wastewater treatment practices.

Learn more about this certification

Certification number


Certification Level


Product information