
●Package includes: 1. 3 x development trays, 2.3 x chemical bottle, 3.4 x bamboo clip, 4.10 x steel clips, 5.1 x dark chamber light, 6.3 pairs of gloves, 7.1 x thermomer, 8.1 x 1 litre measuring cup, 9.1 x 23 ml measuring cup, 10.1 x sponge, 11.1 x 5 m nylon. .
●The chemical bottle has a wide bottle opening and is suitable for all photo chemicals, including developers, plugs and fixers.
●The development compartments have three colours. Red, green and blue respectively correspond to developing, stopping and fixing during film development, creating a colour for each step and avoiding mixed use.
●The 5 metre long nylon rope and clip are more than enough to help you dry photo paper in the darkroom.
●The package includes basic equipment for darkroom operation and is therefore suitable for both experienced and inexperienced users.
