
●🌈Sturdy and durable: the protective cover is made of 0.35 mm (±0.02) PVC, the highly transparent material does not affect your vision. The edges are embedded with nylon cords that are more durable and can withstand heavy rain and strong wind, making them ideal for greenhouses. (Picture 2)
●🌈Eyelet Design: Unlike other tarpaulins, our highly transparent film has a greater density of holes, one per 50 cm, all of which are inlaid with metal rings, which are easier to install and have a stronger load capacity. (Picture 3)
●🌈Zipper design: when the tarpaulin is equipped with a zip, width = height applies. If the tarp has a zip, the zip is in the middle. If the tarp has two zips, the zip is in the middle and the distance between the zips is 80 cm. The position of the zipper can be adjusted according to your wishes. (Picture 4)
●🌈 Applicable scene: dust tarpaulin is suitable for almost any indoor and outdoor use. Including balconies, roofs, gazebos, carports, boats, caravans, stakes, patio furniture, swimming pools, building materials, animal rooms, barns and more.
●🌈 Customization: If you need to adjust other sizes, please let us know by email. Please note that the size may vary by 1-3% from the product you receive.

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