

Product description

Flower of life: starting from a circle, then further constructed by repeatedly drawing circles from a point on the circle, a geometric pattern is created like a stylized flower called the "Flower of Life". The "Flower of Life" is one of the most powerful natural symbols of sacred geometry. It is an ancient metaphor for the connection of all life in the universe. In many world civilizations, this "Flower of Life" is known and is mainly used to vitalise and stabilise food. Orgon means life energy (Chi, Ether or Prana). It consists of a combination of crystals, resin and metals. Herkimer contains crystals in particular which are intended to help clean electromagnetic radiation. The idea behind it is that it balances the energy and harmonises the chi within us and around us. In addition, Orgon would turn negative energies into positive. The pendant can also be carried in your bag or placed under the pillow. Colour: black. Material: Pyrite. Brand: Spiru.

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