
●DIY eyelash extension kit: Higu clace lash extension set provides 144 pieces 8-16 mm eyelash clusters, black eyelash glue and eyelash sealing and tweezers for eyelash piles. Convenient to use at home or when travelling without taking up too much storage space.
●Soft and comfortable eyelashes: softer, stronger and thinner compared to ordinary eyelash clusters. So you feel lighter and more comfortable when using the DIY eyelash cluster. The ultra-thin band is thin and light, but strong and not easy to break, so that individual eyelashes can be reused.
●Ergonomic design tweezers: the box contains rust-proof tweezers for eyebrows, which serve to protect the eyelashes and ease of use. You can use it evenly to organise the eyelashes for a perfectly groomed look to enhance the eyelashes with binding.
●2-in-1 eyelash binding and sealing: mild and advanced formula, no smoke, no lumps, non-irritating. The eyelash band has a durable holding power, waterproof, sweat resistant, super strong hold for at least 48 hours. Spiral mascara brush head that helps to apply glue more evenly, as easy as applying mascara.
●Easy to stick and remove: with the Higu clace eyelash set, you can easily create creative looks at home. No need to buy other tools separately. The DIY eyelash clusters can be reused at home, suitable for beginners and professional make-up artists.

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