
●Helium compatible.
●Industrial LoRa SOC Engine.
●Customized firmware design service is available.
●AT Command over UART Interface
●Support REYAX RYLR998 proprietary mode.Support bands: US915, EU. 868, AS 923, IN865, KR920, RU864 Low power consumption. AES128 CCM Data Encryption LoRaWAN Class A, B & C support. LoRaWAN and LoRa proprietary selection.


Product description:

The RYLR993 868/915MHz LoRaWAN transceiver module features LoRa long range mode that provides ultra-long distance-spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity while minimizing power consumption.


Helium compatible.
Industrial LoRa SOC motor
Custom firmware design service is available.
AT command via UART interface
High sensitivity.
Temperature sensor.
Low power consumption.
AES128 CCM Data Encryption
LoRaWAN Class A, B & C support
LoRaWAN and LoRa proprietary selection.
Supported radio bands: US915, EU868, AS923, IN865, KR920, RU864.
Supports proprietary REYAX RYLR998 mode.


IoT Applications
Mobile Equipment
Home Security
Industrial Monitoring and Control Devices
Car Alarm System