Feature(may vary by option.)

●Strong hair growth for him and her: thanks to the unique Neyhair active ingredient complex, hair growth and hair density can be actively stimulated
●Reduce hair loss: With the help of the Neyhair vital hair tonic hair loss can be prevented naturally and actively
●Awaken inactive hair roots: the biomolecular vitOrgan complex H can strengthen the hair roots, activate inactive hair roots and strengthen the natural life of hair follicles
●Vitalises and activates scalp and hair: high-quality plant extracts enriched with vitamin B3 and panthenol soothe and regenerate the scalp and improve amino acid metabolism at the hair root
●Excellent quality: free from isopropyl alcohol, silicones, dyes and preservatives and made in Germany

[200 ml (1er Pack)]


NeyHair Vital Hair WaterNeyHair Vital Hair Water

Shaker hair and hair loss for women and men

Hair loss as well as light and thinning hair are problems that affect women and men alike and often pose a mental burden. The causes of hair loss are diverse: persistent stress, hereditary components, an unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes after menopause or chemicals in styling products can sensitively disrupt the scalp function and thus affect the growth cycle of the hair. Increased hair loss can be the result.

NEYHAIR VITAL-HAARWASSER: Healthy head skin - strong hair growth - more hair density

Thanks to its special combination of active ingredients, NeyHair Vital hair water can restore the sensitive and irritated scalp and stimulate hair growth. The hair can regrow strongly, become visibly fuller and healthier.

The special thing about the tincture is the unique vitOrgan complex H: The biomolecular cell extracts reach directly to the hair root and develop their revitalising effect. In addition, B vitamins and plant extracts of birch, yarrow, arnica, boxwood, lavender, mulberry tree, rosemary, thyme and nettle have an anti-inflammatory, soothing and stimulating effect on the scalp - because only a healthy scalp can the hair grow healthy and vigorous.

Organic hair water: Vitalises and activates hair and headskin

Regulates scalp function. Fresh, natural fragrance - suitable for men and women. Use on dry or wet scalp. Leaves no sticky residue, the hair can be styled as usual after application. Free from isopropyl alcohol, silicones and dyes


Regena NeyRegena Ney
Effect you see and feel
  • Made in Germany
  • Natural, effective ingredients
  • Development in the research laboratories of the vitOrgan pharmaceutical group
  • Consistent high quality and product safety

NeyHair Vital Hair Water: The vital treatment for hair and scalp

Balanced composition of valuable plant active ingredients, vitamins and the unique vitOrgan complex H

NeyHair Vital hair water contains high-quality plant extracts that support the metabolism of the scalp and prevent irritation in a natural way. In addition, provitamin B5 (panthenol) promotes the regeneration of the scalp. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) improves amino acid metabolism in the hair root area. The B vitamins help support skin cell growth and a healthy hair structure. The vitOrgan complex H with high-quality cell extracts revitalises the hair roots.

  • Regulates scalp function
  • Strengthens hair roots and reactivates applied hair follicles
  • Stimulates hair growth and hair density
  • Prevention of scalp irritation and hair loss




Thanks to the naturally fresh fragrance, NeyHair vital hair water is suitable for women and men alike. Massage the tincture 2 times a day into the dry or wet scalp and let it work. Then do not rinse the hair treatment, otherwise the active ingredients cannot reach the hair roots and develop their full effect. The exposure time is only a few seconds, because it absorbs immediately. The application leaves no residue. You can then style and style the hair as usual. Use organic hair care regularly at least three months. A visible and noticeable strengthening of the hair structure occurs in many users after one to two months.

For women, it is often due to hormonal changes, e.g. during menopause, becoming thinning main hair and increased hair loss. Hair loss is noticeable primarily by a light parting, mainly in the front area. Over time, this area can expand sideways and backwards.

The loss of formerly lush hair splendour makes affected women usually strong. However, you dont have to deal with the hair problem: Regular use of Ney-Hair can stimulate hair growth, as well as hair density.

In addition to a hereditary predisposition, age-related changes are primarily behind hair loss. In general, secret corners form first, gradually the hair lights up at the top of the head and back of the head until only one hair wreath remains or develops a full bald.

The more counteracted to hair loss, the better the success prospects: If the hair root is still intact, NeyHair vital hair water can regenerate the cells and thus promote hair growth.


Biomolecular vitOrgan Therapy (BvT): An approach that looks at people in its wholeness and treats not only symptomatic, but causally

The vitOrgan Pharmaceutical Group is an independent family business based in Germany, based in 1954 by the doctor and visionary Prof. Dr. Karl Eugen Theurer. The biomolecular vitOrgan therapy developed by him strikes a bridge between conventional medicine and naturopathy. Under the motto "Awaken the power of cells", Biomolecular vitOrgan therapy uses the natural regulatory and metabolic molecular cell substances to stimulate the self-healing powers of the organism in diseases and to restore balancing processes.

The basis of BVT is the targeted use of cytoplasmatic cell factors of healthy animal cells. As a result, a diseased organ can repair and regenerate itself in a holistic way and also fulfil its task. This regulation on a holistic basis allows a significant improvement in the quality of life and gradual health.

Product information