Feature(may vary by option.)

●Aeroready moisture wicking yarns keep you cool and dry.

[Pure steel]



The aeroready skull wrap fits you comfortably and safely during the game. The wrap has been designed with invisible seams to fit snugly under your helmet. The moisture-wicking yarns transport moisture and accelerate evaporation to keep your head feeling cool and dry.

La envoltura de calavera aeroready se adapta cómodamente y de forma segura durante todo el juego. La envoltura fue diseñada con costuras imperceptibles para adaptarse cómodamente debajo de tu casco. Los hilos que absorben transportan la humedad para acelerar la evaporación, manteniendo tu cabeza fresca y seca.

The aeroready skull wrap fits you comfortably and safely during the game. The wrap has been designed with invisible seams to fit snugly under your helmet. The moisture-wicking yarns transport moisture and accelerate evaporation to keep your head feeling cool and dry.

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Easy to use as a result, it can be used as a result. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Easy to use: it can be used as a result. 10 Months 100% brand new.

O envoltório de caveira aeroready se ajustará confortavelmente e com segurança durante todo o jogo. O envoltório foi projetado com costuras imperceptíveis para se encaixar confortavelmente sob o seu capacete. os fios absorventes transportam a umidade para acelerar a evaporação, mantendo sua cabeça fresca e seca.



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