Feature(may vary by option.)

●Preshock shield: absorbs shocks, protection of the Achilles tendon
●Intericor ankle guard: integrated ankle protection
●Target compression bandage: aerating and supportive
●Ergologic footbed: foot individual, anatomical structure
●Anti-impact: shock-absorbing structure and effective foot ventilation

[Light Grey  & Red]


De skisokken Evo Race geven stability en grip, disillende technologieën van UYN dempen schokken en beschermen daarmee de voet. A dish compressie special steunt de voet bovendien en betert bovendien de ventilatie. Bij de kuiten verhoogt een compressie de doorbloeding, waardoor de spieren onder bepaalde omstandigheden minder snel vermoeid worden. Het material Natex, nylonvezel op 100% plantaardige basis, guarantees the best air conditioner.

The Uyn ski EVO race socks lady give you maximum stability and support when skiing. Different technologies of uyn absorb shock and protect the foot. A targeted compression supports the foot and also improves ventilation. On the calves, compression increases blood circulation, which may cause the muscles to fatigue less quickly. The material latex, nylon fibre on 100% plant-based, guarantees a comfortable and dry feel.

Evo Race kayak çorapları saşlamlık ve tutuş saşlar, çeşitli UYN teknolojileri darbeleri emer ve böylece ayaşı korur. Hedefli bir kompresyon ayaşı destekler ve ayrıca havalandırmayı iyileştirir. Baldırlarda kompresyon kan dolaşımını arttırır, böylece bazı durumlarda kaslar daha az yorulur. Natex malzeme, %100 bitkisel bazlı naylon elyaf, en iyi iklim yönetimini guarantee eder.

Lyžaùské ponožky Evo Race poskytují stabilitu a stabilitu, rùzné technology od UYN tlumí nárazy a chrání tak nohu. Cílená komprese navíc podporuje nohu a navíc zlepšuje ventilaci. Na lýtkách zvyšuje kompresi prokrvení, čímž svalstvo za určitých okolností méně rychle unavuje. Material: Natex, nylonové vlákno na 100% rustlinné bázi, zaručuje nejlepší čízení klimatu.

Skarpety narciarskie Evo Race zapewniajù stabilnoč i stabilnočć, róşne technology firmy UYN tùumiù uderzenia i tym samym chroniù stopę. Ukierunkowana kompresja dodatkowo wspiera stopę, a ponadto poprawia wentylację. Na şydkach kompresja zwiększa krùşenie krwi, dzięki czemu mięčnie mogù byč mniej zmęczone. Material: lateks, włókna nylonowe na bazie 100% ročlinnej, gwarantuje najlepsze zarzùdzanie klimatem.

The Evo Race ski socks provide stability and support, various UYN technologies absorb shocks and thus protect the foot. Targeted compression also supports the foot and also improves ventilation. Compression on the calves increases blood circulation, which may make the muscles less tired. The material Natex, nylon fibre on a 100% plant-based, guarantees the best climate management.