Feature(may vary by option.)

●-The weight sensor cannot be used directly with RPi GPIOs or other MCUs. The HX711 breakout board is required, an ADC+PGA designed specifically for load cells.
●- Load sensor connection with hx711 board: red to E+, black on E, green on A+, white on A
●- The load cell can read a vibration of 1 gram (in the best condition), but can be influenced by many factors.
●-The weight sensor is particularly sensitive to temperature changes. So if you want a high level of accuracy, you need to insulate the load cell or store it in a place where it is not exposed to large temperature fluctuations.
●- To get a sampling rate of 80Hz from the hx711 module, you need to break the connection of PIN 14 to ground.

[10 kg]

[20 kg]

[5 kg]


H x 711 1kgH x 711 1kg
H x 711 2kgH x 711 2kg
hx711 3kghx711 3kg
H x 711 5kgH x 711 5kg
hx711 10kghx711 10kg
hx711 20kghx711 20kg
load cell 5kg hx711 20kg H x 711 50kg 1.8 lcd 2.4 lcd 3.5 lcd
HX711 5 kg HX711 20 kg HX711 50 kg 1.8 inch display 2.4 inch display 3.5 inch display
Model 5 kg 20 kg 50 kg 1.8 inch TFT LCD 2.4 inch TFT LCD 3.5 inch TFT LCD
IC HX711 HX711 HX711 ST7735S ILI9341 ILI9486