
●Personalised Tea Light Holder
●Ideal for your patio
●Production individually according to your specifications
●Photos are processed by us
●Can also be used to commemorate your loved ones


Please send the photos with the order number to info@sneex-print-it.de

Do you want to make a good impression on your guests at the next barbecue party? Get your individually made lantern now. Make yourself cosy in your home, on the terrace or in the garden by candlelit from this lithographic lantern.

How it works:
After purchase, you simply send us your desired photos (2-4). These are processed by us in such a way that in 3D printing process made of plastic becomes a lantern. Each black value is assigned to a material thickness. If this lantern is now illuminated from the inside by a tea light, the thicker areas appear darker than the thinner ones. Your pictures can then be seen as lithography in black/white. So it is not a glued photo. The complete lantern is your photo.

The lantern is 13 cm in diameter and 10 cm high. Inside is a holder for a tea light so that it is positioned in the middle of the lantern.