
●Care product for smooth leather


B&E leather grease. The classic in yellow and black. For the care of smooth leather of all kinds. High quality oils. Vaseline and real tran make the leather soft and supple. nourishes. nourishes and impregnates. Saddle Motorcycle Belting Shoes etc. are optimally protected. The service life is therefore considerably extended. This product is guaranteed resin and acid free. Contains: Vaseline. Real TranAnwendung:Mit einem weichen Tuch das vorvorvorvorvorgerigte Leder dünn und gleichmäßig einreiben. Then let it absorb well. For a shiny finish, we recommend B&E leather gloss cream. Can 100 ml can 250 ml bucket 500 ml bucket 1000 ml bucket 2500 ml bucket 5000 ml bucket no longer available for export Only sold within Germany