
●Store your valuable memories digitally. Immortalize your analogue films and slides before they break into dust in your attic! This easy-to-use, foldable film scanner lets you view, scan, convert, and digitize old movies and slides to your smartphone in just minutes.
●FOR ALL YOUR OLD PHOTOS. The K2 film scanner offers you the most cost-effective and easiest way to scan your old film directly to your smartphone. The K2 photo scanner is compatible with 35mm black and white, colour posters, negatives and colour slides. The package also includes batteries, a cleaning cloth for your film and a magnet for larger phones.
●Free app. No more complicated scanners, paid subscriptions or expensive development services. With the KLIM film scanner app, you have your own development service at home to digitize your movies and slides with free apps. We include an easy-to-follow guide with detailed instructions on how to use our film scanner app.
●Easy to use. This portable device is as easy to use and inexpensive as it gets! 1. Simply unfold the K2 film and slide scanner, 2. turn on the LED light (batteries are included), 3. Insert your film or slides into the mini projector. 4. Put your phone on it, 5. Launch one of the apps listed in the manual and follow the steps on the screen.
●KEEPING PRECIOUS MEMORIES IS ALWAYS A GOOD INVESTMENT Think about how much is the content stored on the movie worth to you? We made sure that the number you have in mind is much higher than the price of the K2 film scanner: a small investment worth it.
●Important note – it may happen that your photo becomes blurred. This is mostly due to compatibility issues with the mobile app. Dont worry! In such cases, we recommend trying another app or take off the upper part of the device and keep the phone closer to the film. The problem should now be resolved.
●Important instructions for use: the KLIM film scanner app offers flexibility with different camera angles to achieve the best scan results. Note that certain mobile phones may require a smaller distance between the camera and film due to their focal length. To take this into account, we offer shorter brackets for easy installation.


K2 Film ScannerK2 Film Scanner
K2 Film ScannerK2 Film Scanner
K2 Film ScannerK2 Film Scanner
KLIM K2 Film ScannerKLIM K2 Film Scanner

Welche Filme kann der K2 Filmscanner scannen?

Der K2 Filmscanner kann jeden 35-mm-Film scannen: Farbpositive und -negative, Schwarz-Weiß-Filme und 35-mm-Dias.

Kann der K2 Film- und Diascanner auch Dias scannen?

Ja! Der K2 Filmscanner scannt sowohl 35-mm-Filme als auch 35-mm-Dias! Lege dein Dia einfach auf die Lichtplatte und schon kannst du loslegen!

Wofür ist die Magnetplatte?

Für größere Smartphones haben wir eine Magnetplatte beigelegt, die du einfach zwischen Handyhülle und Handy legen kannst. So bleibt dein Handy bei deinem nächsten Scan sicher an seinem Platz! (Keine Sorge, der Magnet schadet deinem Handy nicht).

Wozu dient das Reinigungstuch?

Wir kennen diese staubigen Dachböden und wir legen Wert auf qualitativ hochwertige Scans! Benutze das mitgelieferte Reinigungstuch, um deinen Film von Staub zu befreien.

Sind Batterien im Lieferumfang enthalten?

Ja, Sir! Ja, Maam!

K2 Film ScannerK2 Film Scanner