Feature(may vary by option.)

●Box contents: become part of the Elle No. 1 Beauty Innovation, with the SmartAppGuided Sonic Facial Roller | 4 in 1 & Magnetic Charging Cable.
●Innovative: SmartSonic pulsation technology allows for a smoothing and firming skin massage with over 14,000 sound pulsations per minute. Reduces facial wrinkles and refines contours.
●✅ FUNCTION: The SmartAppGuided Sonic Facial & Body Roller is designed to visibly tighten and refine facial skin and contours.
●✅ Stimulation: With the SmartSonic pulsations, our specially developed 3D contouring and tightening waves relieve muscle tension and reduce swelling
●Smart app: The Beauty Sensation are not only our devices, but also the GESKE app. Scan your skin and the app creates a tailored skincare routine.














Skin Scan

Scanne Deine Haut mit der KI-gestützten GESKE Beauty App, um Deine maßgeschneiderte Skincare Routine zu erhalten.


SmartSonic Pulsation

14.000 Impulse pro Minute massieren Deine Haut - genieße den angenehmen und straffenden Effekt.


3D Contouring & Firming Waves

Unsere speziell designten Massagekugeln haben die ideale Form, um Schwellungen zu reduzieren und Verspannungen zu lösen.


In Deiner Lieblingsfarbe

Suche Dir Deine Lieblingsfarbe ganz einfach aus unseren 11 Farbtönen heraus: Wir haben für jeden Geschmack etwas im Angebot.


Product information