Feature(may vary by option.)

●Sheath 56 g. Chalk ball in mesh fabric bag as 1 pack of 3 or 12.
●The special mesh fabric releases the optimal amount of climbing chalk even with light pressure.
●Suitable for climbing and gymnastics as well as for vertical sports, athletics and strength sports.
●Pure magnesium carbonate which is equally suitable on the rock, as well as on art handles.
●Provides optimal grip through drier hands. Other accessories available such as chalk bags and Mantle brushes

[Chalk ball]

[3 x 56 g. Chalk ball]


Mantle Chalk Ball

Mantle ChalkballMantle Chalkball

Mantle chalk ball as a pack of 1, 3 or 12 filled with 56 g. High-quality, fine chalk (pure magnesium carbonate).

Thanks to the special mesh fabric, the ball releases a sufficient amount of chalk even with light pressure.

Pack of one or three

Chalkball EinzelpackungChalkball Einzelpackung

Single Chalk Ball Pack

Mantle Chalkball dreierMantle Chalkball dreier

Chalk Ball Pack of three

Versatile chalk ball

Suitable for both beginners and ambitious climbers/boulderers.

The chalk balls are also perfect for many sports that require dry hands, e.g. gymnastics and strength sports.

Especially in the competition, minimal nuances are often crucial. The Mantle-Chalk is a legal aid in the competition and helps to get dry, blunting, grease and sweat free fingers instantly. It is exactly this consistency, combined with the adhesion that climbers love.

mantle chalkball kletterkreide magnesiamantle chalkball kletterkreide magnesia

Matching Climbing Accessories

Dry, cracked skin areas can be treated with the soothing care cream Mantle High End Balm. Mantle Climbing offers chalk bags and boulder chalk bags for the climbing chalks. They make the ideal boulder set with the accessories such as climbing tape and boulder brushes made of wood or plastic.

Boulder Bag NutzungBoulder Bag Nutzung