
●Essential part in digital photography: An indispensable tool for photographers or hobbyists in the digital photography process.
●[Exposure correction and white balance adjustment] - The grey side is used for exposure compensation, while the white side is used to adjust the white balance.
●Even illumination across all photographs: By placing this grey card in the scene to be photographed and reading it with a reflection light meter, photographers can ensure consistent exposures in their photos.
●White balance in the camera or after editing: grey cards can be used for white balance in the camera as well as for white balance after editing.
●[STANDARD REFERENCE OBJECT FOR EXPOSSION DETERMINATION] - Provides a standard reference object for exposure determination in photography.


Essential part in digital photography: An indispensable tool for photographers or hobbyists in the digital photography process.
[Exposure correction and white balance adjustment] - The grey side is used for exposure compensation, while the white side is used to adjust the white balance.
[Consistent Exposures Across All Photos] - By placing this grey card in the scene to be photographed and reading it with a reflected light meter, photographers can ensure consistent exposures in their photos.
White balance in the camera or after editing: grey cards can be used for white balance in the camera as well as for white balance after editing.
[Standard reference object for illumination determination] - Provides a standard reference object for exposure determination in photography.


With this term, you dont have to worry about the photos being too dark or too bright and the color is bluish or yellow. It is intended to provide a standard reference object for exposure determination in photography. A grey card not only provides a means of measuring exposure, but also a handy reference for white balance or colour balance, allowing the camera to balance the light colour in a scene. Nice gift for photo lovers.


An essential part of the digital photography process for photographers or hobbyists.

The grey side is used for exposure compensation and the white side for adjusting the white balance.

By placing a grey card in the scene to be photographed, aligned at a defined angle relative to the direction of the incident light, and reading it with a reflection light meter, the photographer can be sure that all photos