
●✅ HOCHWERTIGE QUALITÄT: Wir von Telliswelt haben den Fokus auf das 3m lange Schneidermassband gelegt, welches hochwertig verarbeitet wurde.Unser Massband weist eine Langlebigkeit auf.
●✅ ECHTER ALLROUNDER: für viele verschiedene Projekte geeignet. Egal ob Du Reißverschlüsse, Stoffe, Schnittmuster oder anderes messen möchtest, dieses Massband ist bestens dafür geeignet. Auch im Handwerk, in der Küche, beim basteln, im Haushalt & Büro ein nützlicher Helfer.
●✅ PRODUKTINFORMATIONEN: Dieses Massband ist hat eine inch und eine cm Einteilung. Es ist 3m bzw. 120 inch lang und 2cm breit. am Ende ist noch ein Stück frei, damit man beim messen, die 3m voll ausschöpfen kann.
●✅ DEUTSCHES UNTERNEHMEN: Dir ist ein deutsches Unternehmen wichtig? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig. Alle Artikel werden, bei uns im Haus, nochmals auf Qualität geprüft. So haben wir die Möglichkeit, Dir 1a Qualität gewährleisten zu können.
●✅ ÜBER UNS: Telliswelt ist ein Unternehmen, welches seit 1993 selbstständig im Handel tätig ist. Uns liegt Deine Zufriedenheit sehr am Herzen, deshalb erhältst Du von uns nur Qualitätsware. Solltest Du Fragen oder Schwierigkeiten haben, scheue Dich nicht uns zu Kontaktieren. Wir helfen Dir sehr gerne weiter.


About us:

Measuring tape cutter measuring tapeMeasuring tape cutter measuring tape

Discover the world of haberdashery and a thousand little things with us! For a long time, we have been passionate about these little helpers of everyday life. Over the years, we have developed an unmistakable sense of useful products that make life easier and more enjoyable. Our drive? The joy of making the fine yet extraordinary difference with our products and inspiring people.

Why did we decide to go this path? Very simple: Because we didnt find what we were looking for even in online retailing. So we decided to take action ourselves and offer the products we are convinced of.

What makes our products so unique? There are several factors that come together: highest quality, technical innovations, special design and above all their suitability for everyday use. Every product in our range is carefully selected and thoroughly tested to ensure it meets our high standards.

We invite you to explore our selection and experience for yourself how our often small and inconspicuous products can make the decisive difference in your everyday life. Let yourself be inspired and be part of our mission to inspire people with practical yet appealing solutions. Take the step and discover why we love what we do!

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High quality

Quality is at the heart of every measurement. At Telliswelt we stand for precision and reliability in every inch of our tape measures. Every detail is carefully designed to ensure the highest accuracy. Our tape measures are made from durable materials that can withstand even the most demanding requirements. We rely on strict quality control throughout the manufacturing process to ensure that each product meets our high standards. With Telliswelt tape measures, you can rely on precise measurement results, whether you work in construction, craft or other fields. Trust in quality. Trust in Telliswelt.

Versatile use:

Discover the ultimate tape measure from Telliswelt that delights tailors and craftsmen alike. With its precise scaling and durable materials, our tape measure is an essential tool for any workshop or dressmaking.

Thanks to its flexibility and robust construction, it allows accurate measurements for all your projects. Whether you are cutting fabrics, building furniture or renovating work, our tape measure always delivers reliable results.

Trust in quality and accuracy - trust Telliswelt tailor tape measure for your next job.


Our sturdy reliable measuring tapes are made of high quality materials.

Product information