
●Bathing pleasure for clear skin conditions!


Product description

Cleans the skin relief deep into the pores.

Product features:

Dermasel Dead Sea Salt Pure
Suitable for all skin types.
The DermaSel Dead Sea bath salt pure cleanses the skin thanks to its mineral salt combination. It sustainably improves skin relief and visibly clears the complexion. Bei gezielter und kontinuierlicher Anwendung wird die Haut durch das pure Salz von h ufigen Symptomen der Problemhaut befreit. For a bathing pleasure that creates clear (skin) conditions

Zun chst das Totes Meer Badesalz in hei em Wasser aufl sen, anschlie end mit kaltem Wasser vermischen, bis eine angenehme Badeemperatur zwischen 36-38 C erreicht ist. Then add the contents of the special additive and distribute it in the water. Recommended bath time: approx. 15 minutes.

Thanks to the binding effect of the salt, the bath protects the skin from moisture loss and provides it supple, healthy beauty. Has a balancing and trendy effect.

Thanks to the included le, the bath and surrounding areas can be slippery! Please rinse the bath properly after application and remove product residue thoroughly. In case of fever, cardiovascular pain, as with any bath, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before use Use only and store away for children.

Maris Sal (Dead Sea Salts)

Source: rmasel.de
As of 02/2020

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For risks and side effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.