Feature(may vary by option.)

●HackMonster Wood splitter for the safe and fast production of kindling wood without using an axe. Perfect kindling wood, fire wood, kindling wood, lighter sticks
●For good splitting results, the splitting wedge must have a firm connection to the chopping block or workbench and the cutting edge should be resharpened regularly. The wood is then always split in the fibre direction with a hammer
●The steel cutting edge can be easily and easily resharpened, so you have the same splitting quality as on the first day even after years
●The splitting block is completely painted but will lose its paint when splitting wood, then protect the cutting edge against rust with a little household oil or a maintenance spray
●Designed and manufactured in Germany. Made in Germany. Always use the cutting protection. Cover to avoid accidents and injuries. Dimensions: Medium (M) HBT 160 x 120 x 120 mm, 2.5 kg, blade 90 mm




HackMonster Wood splitter attachment for chopping block HackMonster wood splitter for the safe and fast production of kindling wood without using an axe. Perfect kindling wood, fire wood, kindling wood, lighter sticks. For good splitting results, the splitting wedge must have a firm connection to the chopping block or workbench and the cutting edge should be resharpened regularly. The wood is then always split in the fibre direction with a hammer. The steel cutting edge can be easily and easily resharpened, so you will have the same split quality even after years as the first day. The splitting block is completely painted, but will lose its paint when splitting wood, then protect the cutting edge against rust with a little household oil or a maintenance spray. Designed and manufactured in Germany. Made in Germany. Always use the cutting protection cover to avoid accidents and injuries. Dimensions: medium (M) HBT 160 x 120 x 120 mm, 2.5 kg, blade 90 mm