
●Collaboration with BlackBoard has resulted in a unique product
●The TMX META is 60% foot mobiliser and 40% foot trigger.
●Release tension or blockages, release stuck fascia and treat trigger points.
●Improves the gait pattern and the rolling of the foot
●Helps with heel spurs/heel pain and improves perception


TMX META - The foot stabiliser

TMX META - Foot Pain Relief ToolTMX META - Foot Pain Relief Tool

Not rarely, tedious problems start at the bottom - with the feet.

Feet are the basis for a balanced anatomy and responsible for proper functioning of the knee, hips and spine. Not rarely, lengthy problems start at the bottom – with the feet.

With the TMX META you have the opportunity to get your foot pain under control yourself. By cooperating with BlackBoard, we have succeeded in creating a unique product. The TMX META is 60% a foot mobiliser and 40% a foot trigger.

You can achieve this with the TMX Meta:

Solving tension or blocking, improving the gait pattern, improving the rolling behaviour of your foot, heel spur / heel pain, improved perception prevention against foot pain

The application and effect of TMX META

TMX Meta FootTMX Meta Foot

TMX Meta intensity varyTMX Meta intensity vary

TMX Meta in the applicationTMX Meta in the application

The TMX META helps you with these complaints

Ball of the foot, foot sole (plantar fascitis), halux valgus heel spurs, heel pain, outer edge, foot inner edge, foot arthrosis in the large toe base joint (hallux rigidus), blockage feeling in the metatarsal area, tailors ball (digitus quintos varus), separation of small toe, oarthritis in individual foot root bones

The intensity of the treatment itself vary

To treat your foot pain in the right intensity, these can vary yourself.

With the base downwards (to your heel), you can achieve a higher intensity than the opposite side. The base can be recognised by the TMX META logo.

The TMX META can be used on your individual pain area. Even the smallest shifts, turns or corrections can cause significant improvements in the treatment.

This is how the TMX META is used

Triggers: place the foot standing on the TMX Meta and pain area or blockage sensation.

Move stretch and bend your toes alternately - try to move your body centre of gravity forward and back over your knee joint. Thus, enough pressure and movement is at the same time.

Stretch, finally stretch your sole of the foot and your calf muscles. This TMX 3 method can be used as often as you like in a time window of approx. 5-10 minutes.

TMX trigger against tension and pain in self-treatmentTMX trigger against tension and pain in self-treatment

Pain was yesterday - TMX is today

TMX treats the pain and tension of the origin. With the TMX triggers, you can treat further complaints sustainably.

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