

Features Shell Omala S4 WE are advanced synthetic oils for industrial worm gears, heavily loaded with liquid base of polyalkylene glycol and additives. They offer exceptional lubrication performance under strict operating conditions, improved energy efficiency, long life and high resistance to micro painting. More information for industrial gear systems with worm screw in crankcases. Recommended for endless screw reduction systems that operate under strict operating conditions such as high loads, very low or high temperatures, and very wide variations. Shell Omala S4 WE systems are particularly used in systems where maintenance is little frequent or the systems are inaccessible (e.g. Yaw gears in wind turbine installations) Other applications Shell Omala S4 WE are suitable for lubrication of bearings and other components with circular and shock lubrication systems. Shell Omala S4 WE is not recommended for lubrication of aluminium or alloy components. For straight and heavily loaded spiral gears, we recommend the Shell Omala "G". For hypoidid gears, we recommend the special Shell Spirax Oil. Specifications and approvals David Brown S1.53.105 G ISO 12925-1 type CKE ANSI/AGMA 9005-E02 (EP) Full approval of Flender AG Full Bonshini approval.