
●Width: 6 HP
●Depth: 32 mm, Distance 3.2 cm
●Current: +19 mA, -32 mA
●Circuits: Attack Decay Envelope Generator and VCA


What does this module do? This module allows you to add the dynamic "accentuated" sound in vintage gear like the Pearl SY-1 without having to build any of these kits or chasing the original. This module has been influenced by such equipment, but with modern parts. The goal was not to clone, but to bring you really close results. - On the envelope output (depth) there is a VCA with its own CV level input. This dynamic envelope has its own output to give the external VCO a "pitch" ability. For example, disco POW. - There is another VCA setup with CV Accent control for audio input only. If you have a sequencer patch-up, you can achieve very close results to the DFAM envelope part.