

Very comfortable and high-quality processed high-end fan mask or legal snuggling mask (mask does not fall under the non-snugging) for football fans. The mask is 2-ply, consists of an exact printed motif on the outer fabric (100% polyester) and an inner fabric (100% cotton). The mask is washable up to 60 degrees. The print remains in place. Fixing standard adjustment: since the mask has elastic fastening cords that can glide freely through the mask and has a stopper, it can be individually adjusted with the cords behind the head or around the neck (see pictures). Advantages of the rear head attachment: 1. Fits any head size and any hairstyle. 2. Can be worn around the neck almost standby if required (picture 5+6). 3. Glasses and earrings interfere with far less. 4. Cannot be blown off the face by the wind and fall into the dirt. 5. A mask holder for the back of the head, as it is now offered on Amazon to relieve the ears is unnecessary. 6. Tear-off rubber bands are not available with this mask. The cord with approx. 3 mm diameter can be replaced or customised. Ear attachment: this mask can also be equipped with ear loops or remade by you (see pictures). In this case, the stopper and the cord not only serves as an ear loop, but also as a catch cord around the mask also around the neck, at chest height.