Feature(may vary by option.)

●Easy size adjustment at the touch of a button (4 sizes)
●HQ polypropylene skeleton with micro buckle, strap and lacing
●Inner shoe with comfortable anatomical padding and a special insole for children
●Rail made from robust, torsion-resistant HQ polypropylene
●Wheels 64 to 72 mm/82A, ABEC 3 ball bearings

[26-29 White  & Violet]


The roots of the traditional North Italian company Roces date back to 1952, the founding year. To this day run as a proud family business, you focus on what you can from ever: build comfortable and durable shoes. Roces is undoubtedly one of the real pioneers of inline skate sports. So the experience in this segment dates back to 1981, when you introduced this brand new sport as a summer alternative to the ice skate business with the first inliner, the Roces PRO. By the way, this first bowl is still almost unchanged on some models, such as the Majestic 12 or the FCO in the program. More than three decades, and many millions of pairs of shoes later, Roces today includes inline skates for all ages, personal preferences and all applications. From beginners to experts - for training, leisure fun, fast running or spectacular stunt skating - there are no limits to use and skills. We pay special attention to the children: so we have already recognised the needs of growing childrens feet very early, and with the Roces "Orlando" in 1999 are considered the inventor of the size-adjustable childrens skate. This model is still available today - we have successfully transferred the technical principle of this patented size adjustment to ice skates and childrens ski boots. With a product from Roces, you are buying many decades of experience and genuine, long-lasting quality at a fair price. This is what the Cavowner family. But now to the product you select: the ROCES COMPY is the ideal introduction for all small skaters and skaters in proven Roces brand quality. With one handle, the appropriate size can be adjusted over a range of four sizes. Constructed for maximum comfort, a soft semisoft upper with robust components adapts perfectly to the feet of little skateheroes. In addition to the classic lacing system of the shoe, there is a ratchet buckle at the upper shaft end, as well as a Velcro power strap in the instep area. The high-quality inner shoe is anatomically padded and has a special insole for children. Sturdy rail made of HQ polypropylene, assembled with high-quality wheels in either 65 mm, 70 mm or 72 mm (depending on size) in 82 A and durable ABEC 3 ball bearings. Available in different colours and designs for boys and girls.

The roots of the traditional North Italian company Roces date back to 1952, the founding year. Op i dag som proud familievirksomhed ført, fokuserer du på det, hvad man kan op: comfortable og holdbare sko bygget. Roces hører to rock frit til the rigige pionisering af inline skate sports. Så er den nok inden for denne Segment tilbage til 1981 år som du ved første inliner, en roces PRO, denne nye sport som et sommerligt alternativ til skøjtebutikker. Denne første skål er ubragt så godt som at skifte i nogle modeler, som Majestic 12 eller FCO i programmet. Mere end tre årti og mange millioner par skosender, omfatter programmet af roces i dag og til alle aldre, personlige præferencer og alle anvendelser. Fra begyndere til at foremstille dig - til træning, afslappede nydelse af hurtige løb eller den utakullige stensskøjtesko - Interområde og kan ikke bruges grænser. En særlig Ømersk foregår på børnene: Så vi allerede har allerede meget tidligt behov voksende børnefødder og kan opbevares i roces "Orlando" 1999 som et større adjustable børneskates. Denne model er stadig i dag - den tekniske princippet om denne patenterede størrelsesjustering har vi succesrige selv på skøjtesko og børneskisko. Køb i dag med et produkt af roser i dag med mange års erfaring og ægte, holdbar kvalitet til en fair pris. This is what the Cavowner family. Du har nu brug for det bærbart: ROCES-COMPY den ideelle introduktion til alle små skøjterinde og skøjteløbere. Med et håndtag kan den passende størrelse justeres i et område af fire størrelser. En konstrueret til maksimal Komfort og blød semisoft-top med robust component passer perfect til fødderne af de små skøjtehjelme. Ud over det klassiske snøresystemer på skoens øverste skaftende et skralde spænde, velvet i risteområdet er en velcro-power effect. Den indersko af høj kvalitet er anatomisk polstret og har en særlig indersål til børn. Stable skinne fra HQ polypropylene, assembled med rulle af høj kvalitet i ducks 65 mm, 70 mm eller 72 mm (afhængigt af størrelse) i 82 A og holdbar ABEC 3 kuglelejer Fås i forskellige farver og designs til drenge og piger.

Koùeny tradičního podniku Roces od Roces vysazují až do roku 1952. Do dnešního dne veden jako hrdý rodinný podnik, se soustùedí na to, co lze od kdy jiné: stavět pohodlné a trvanlivé boty. Roces patùí bezpochyby k pravým Pionýrùm in-line bruslí. Tak stačí zkušenosti v tomto segmentu zpět do roku 1981, kdy jste pùedstavili s prvním in-line bruslím, Roces PRO, tento nový sport tehdy jako letní alternativa k obchodùm s bruskami. Tato první miska je mimochodem ještě dnes tak dobrá, jako je napùíklad Majestic 12 nebo FCO v programu FCO Více než tùi desetiletí a mnoho milionù párù bot později zahrnuje program Roces pro všechny všeVěkové category, osobní preference a všechny oblasti použití. Od začátečník až po experty – pro trénink, požitek z volný čas, rychlý běh nebo úžasné knížky – oblast použití a mohou se meze nekladou. Zvláštní pozornost zaměčujeme na děti: takto jsme jiù velmi brzy rozpoznali potùeby rostoucích nohou dětí a v roce 1999 se ùídí jako vynálezce dětské br. usle. usle. I tento model je ještě dnes - technický princip tohoto patentovaného nastavení velikosti jsme úspěšně pùenesli i na bruslí a dětské lyžaùské boty. S výrobkem od Roces kupujete dnes mnoho desetiletí zkušeností a pravou, dlouhodobou kvalitu za férovou cenu. Za tím stojí vlastnická rodina Cavasin. Ale k Vámi vybranému product: Roces Compact je ideálním nástupem pro všechny malé skejtky a bruslky v osvědčené značkové kvalitě Roces. Pomocí rukojeti lze nastavit správnou velikost v rozmezí čtyù velikostí. Měkká poloměkkká svršek konstruovaná na maximální pohodlí, s robustními component se dokonale pùizpùsobí nohám malých bruslí. Kromě klasse ického systému šněrování bot se na horním konci holeně nachází ráčnová pùezka, i v oblasti trhání také Velcro Powerstrap. Kvalitní vnitùní bota je anatomicky polstrovaná a má especální vložku pro děti. Stabilní kolejnice z HQ polypropylenu, s kvalitními kolečky bu 65 mm, 70 mm nebo 72 mm (v závislosti na velikosti) v 82 A trvanlivých kuličkových ložiskách ABEC 3. K dostání v rùzných barvách a designnech pro chlapce a dívky.

The roots of the traditional North Italian company Roces dates back to 1952, the year of founding. To this day, run as a proud family business, you focus on what you can ever do, building comfortable and durable shoes. Roces is undoubtedly one of the real pioneers of inline skate sports. This is how the experience in this segment goes back to 1981, when the first inline skates, the Roces Pro, which introduced this brand new sport as a summer alternative to the ice skating business. By the way, this first bowl is still almost unchanged on some models, such as the Majestic 12 or the FCO in the range. More than three decades, and many millions of pairs of shoes later, Roces now includes inline skates for all ages, personal preferences and all applications. From beginners to experts - for training, leisure pleasure, fast running or spectacular stunt skating - range of applications and skills are no limits. We pay special attention to the children: so we have recognised the needs of growing childrens feet very early and with the Roces "Orlando" in 1999 as the inventor of the size-adjustable childrens skate. This model is still available today - we have successfully transferred the technical principle of this patented size adjustment to ice skates and childrens skates. With a product from Roces, you can buy many decades of experience and genuine, long-lasting quality at a fair price. This is what the Cavowner family. But now to the product you choose: the ROCES COMPY is the ideal introduction for all little skaters in proven Roces brand quality. With one handle, the right size can be adjusted over a range of four sizes. A soft semi-soft upper with robust components designed for maximum comfort adapts perfectly to the feet of the small skate heroes. In addition to the classic lacing system of the shoe, there is a ratchet buckle at the upper end of the shaft, as well as a Velcro power strap in the instep area. The high-quality inner shoe is anatomically padded and has a special insole for children. Sturdy rail made of HQ polypropylene, assembled with high-quality wheels in either 65 mm, 70 mm or 72 mm (depending on size) in 82 A and durable ABEC 3 ball bearings. Available in different colours and designs for boys and girls.