
●Clear varnish as nail prevention
●Flash dryer for perfectly painted nails
●Sealing for long durability
●Colour restorer for more shine and freshly lacquered look
●Groove filler for nail grooves


Micro Cell Nail Wonder

As a clear varnish for nail prevention: the silicone-like properties seal the nail and protect the nail plate from the ingress of aggressive and drying substances such as chemicals, sun, too much water and soap. Result: the nail does not become soft, does not dry out and will not become brittle and brittle.

Flash Dryer for Perfectly Painted Nails: Due to its special formula properties, Nail Wonder combines with your nail polish and accelerates the drying process. Simply paint nails as usual, allow to dry briefly and apply Nail Wonder over freshly painted nails. Result: after approx. 1-2 minutes, you can resume your usual work without causing unsightly paint impressions.

As a seal for long-lasting durability: Nail Wonder protects painted nails from premature peeling and extends the life of all nail polishes. Simply seal the nail polish with Nail Wonder. Done. Result: The nails do not need to be painted off as often and painted freshly.

As a colour refresher for added shine and a freshly painted look: if the nail polish is still perfect but the polish has become blind over time, Nail Wonder helps to restore shine and a freshly painted look. Simply apply Nail Wonder over the blind nail polish and allow to dry briefly. Result: In 1-2 minutes, the nails look perfect and like freshly painted.

As a groove filler for nail grooves and small dry imperfections: Nail Wonder provides an even smooth surface of the nail plate and compensates for small bumps and a dry appearance of the nails. Result: The nail feels silky, smooth and even.