

ABLETON LIVE 11 INTRO Live is a fast, fluid and flexible software for creating and executing music. It comes with effects, instruments, sounds and all kinds of creative features - everything you need to make any kind of music. Create a traditional linear or improvised arrangement without limitations of a time line on the live view. Move freely between the music elements and play with ideas without stopping the music and interrupting your flow. Features: Recording and compilation Live organizes multiple passes of an audio or MIDI interpretation into individual recordings. Choose the best moments for each gig and combine them to create your perfect shot. Or set yourself in a new way by assembling randomly selected samples from your library. Linked title editing Connect two or more titles to edit your content at the same time. This makes editing multiple tracks or interpreters with multiple musicians easy and fast, while keeping everything on the tracks. This feature also works for MIDI tracks. Use your MPE-compatible controller Connect your MPE-compatible controller and instantly add curves, glides and pressure for every single note in a chord. Add subtle expression variations and transform chords and create ever-evolving sound textures. What is MPE? MPE is the trademark of MIDI Polyphonic Expression. With this MIDI interface, MPE-compatible devices can control multiple parameters of each note in real time for more expressive instrumental interpretations. Hybrid Reverb Hybrid Reverb combines convolusion and algorithm reverberation Place your sounds in any room, from precise real-life environments to those that challenge physical reality. Use the algorithm page to add control and modulate the tail of the afterneck, guide it into