

Number 1 Hits Toontrack Ezx
The Plan was as simple as it bravely: An interesting mix of organic and electronic sounds, made from high tech and vintage – A Sound Library The Sound Classic bereithält, but in the new millennium transposed into it. A collection of different drum sounds, which can be easily integrated into any type of contemporary pop, dance, house or hip hop.
The result is the "number 1 hits", was still it not just a further EZX Expansion for EZdrummer is – it is rather a ernstzunehmende, independent hit and machine. As a US sound designer Niklas Flyckt, the sounds of the finished product finally vorführte we were all instantly catches your attention not on how organic, groovy and mitreissend you klangen. This surprised few, as the Niklas Flyckt back can be used on no less than 25 year special recording and mixing experience in which it with artists such as Britney Spears, Robyn, Kylie Minogue, girls aloud, Rachel Stevens and many other cut. Very Obvious White This Man Just which buttons you need to press and turn to get the vielzitierten "Million Dollar sound on.
But now number 1 hits about the facts: is the perfect tool for the production of drum sounds in the styles of the most contemporary pop, dance, house or hip hop music music. We have it all the timeless Linn, TR 909, tr 808, DR55 sounds included, to the one in pretty much any modern chart production to hear are locked up safe and sound. In addition, includes the EZX a great collection of unique and individual designed acoustic sounds, whereby each Niklas Flyckts indescribable and give us signal Envy...