Feature(may vary by option.)

●Set: 30 x Smart moving boxes with an inner dimensions of 624 x 280 x 311 mm (L x W x H), 10 book boxes compact with an inner dimensions of 400 x 318 x 328 mm, 1 x adhesive tape PP 28 (brown), 2 x bubble wrap (0.5 x 5 m), 2 packing blankets. 1.3 x 2.0 m, 2 kg tissue paper (50 x 75 cm), 20 warning labels "Vorsicht Glas", 1 EDDING 300 black.
●Powerful: the tear-resistant 2.3 EB cardboard with sturdy base offers a load capacity of 40 kg and guarantees optimal stacking capacity with the lid closure system.
●Safe transport: the shock-absorbing bubble wrap and packing silk optimally protect sensitive items from external influences and ensure that fragile packages are well secured at all times during transport.
●Hold: The complete moving package includes practical furniture packing blankets as well as quiet unrolling tape with high adhesive strength to fix the bubble wrap.
●Features: the set consists of 8 useful tools for moving - perfect for apartments up to a size of approx. 75 m².

[1-2 rooms (approx. 50 m²)]

[2-3 rooms (approx. 75 m²)]

[4-5 Zimmmer]

[3-4 rooms (approx. 100 m²)]



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Umzugspaket 1-2 klein

1-2 Zimmer Umzugspaket

Umzugspaket 2-3 klein

2-3 Zimmer Umzugspaket

Umzugspaket 3-4 klein

3-4 Zimmer Umzugspaket

Umzugspaket 4-5 klein

4-5 Zimmer Umzugspaket

Customer Reviews
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
€53.99 €103.99 €173.99 €269.99
Geeignet für:
1-2 Zimmer Wohnungen 2-3 Zimmer Wohnungen 3-4 Zimmer Wohnungen 4-5 Zimmer Wohnungen/Haus
Umzugskartons Smart
15 Umzugskartons 30 Umzugskartons 60 Umzugskartons 90 Umzugskartons
1 kg 50 x 75 cm 1 kg 50 x 75 cm 3 kg 50 x 75 cm 4 kg 50 x 75 cm
5 Bücherkartons 10 Bücherkartons 10 Bücherkartons 10 Bücherkartons
Keine 2 Stück 1,3 x 2,0 m 3 Stück 1,3 x 2,0 m 5 Stück 1,3 x 2,0 m
1 x 2,5m² 2 x 2,5m² 3 x 2,5m² 3 x 2,5m² & 1 x 5m²
1 x PP 28 (braun) 1 x PP 28 (braun) 1 x PP 28 (braun) 2 x PP 28 (braun)
10 x "Vorsicht Glas" 10 x "Vorsicht Glas" 10 x "Vorsicht Glas" 10 x "Vorsicht Glas"
EDDING 300 Schwarz
1 Stift 1 Stift 1 Stift 1 Stift

Product information